A few months ago I received a call from Christiana saying..
“well, that time has come..” I’m getting married ”
” no way bullshit..I responded ”
“Yes Yes”
“WOW fantastic luv..im so excited for you and the kids…who is shooting it?? ”
I knew I wanted to be part of it..so with lots of umming and arring..she only wanted the best..so it was decided Elkie was the one…and JP you carry the bags..and do whatever you want.. I thought..you little beauty this really suits my style of shooting…starting off at Groom prep.some location shoots…and some reception…enjoying a few beers with my wife.
It was such a beautiful romantic emotional day and lovely finally meeting family members you hear so much about.
Christiana will always be a special friend to me..she is such a character and when we work together..we just have a ball taking the piss out of each other..she has helped my business grow in so many ways and I’m so happy she is part of my team..
Two years ago I received this random email..
Hi J.P,
My name is Christiana and I have been following you on facebook for a while now and I really love your work.
I have been working as a photographer for two years and have just recently quit my job as a pre-school photographer to work on my own. I learnt most of what I know from them and had never touched a professional camera till I started working there. I was hooked straight away- you know the kind of hooked like why didn’t I know I wanted to do this before? Kind of hooked.
I hope you don’t get this kind of email all the time and aren’t ready to delete it because I have been procrastinating for about a week about writing to you, you know the kind when you try and write an email in your head until it is perfect so that the person you are writing to doesn’t think you are complete loser? Well I decided today that I would never get over feeling nervous about my emails imperfections so I should just dive in and ask. So here goes, is there any way you would consider letting me, completely voluntarily, second shoot with you on any weddings? Before you answer there are a few things you should know:-
-I support the Dragons (with my 7 year old son), but my partner and my 9 year old daughter support the Eels (I thought we should lay that out up front)
-I shoot with a Nikon D700 and currently work with a 24-70mm 2.8 and a 50mm 1.4
-I dream of the day I will shoot with a D3x
-My partner is an Italian/Australian and I am a full on Aussie, you know like, second fleet fountain to the ancestors in Hyde Park, not a convict, type Aussie
-My kids are my whole world and my life would be empty without them, which I remind myself when they drive me crazy, which is often
-I am currently living with my in-laws- yes I am crazy.
-I am originally from the central coast and plan on escaping back there as soon as possible
-I will be happy to carry your bags and watch you work if that is all you can offer
-I will bring you a bucket of prawns and a bottle of green cordial if you say yes
Before I start to beg and embarrass myself I will go and leave it totally in your hands, I completely understand if you say no, but please let me know either way…
Christiana Henry
P.S if you want to check out my facebook page to see I’m not a crazy stalker its Christiana Henry Photography (creative huh?-I’m working on it)
I remember reading it..thinking…this girl is funny and unique in her approach…and also telling my wife about the email…and we both decided..hey get her in and Im so thankful I did..we hit it off straight away.. so thanks for email Christiana 🙂 we love you very much..and you will always be part of our life 🙂
JP Fi, scrumpy and Papabear XXXXXXXXX
Hope you like your teaser shots..
Love Me..