When I think back of my childhood..I have fond memories of running around under the sprinkler. I remember that feeling of coldness between the toes and the excitement of splashing my sister. As the temperature reached a scorching 35 degree in Sydney I couldn;t think of a better way playing with the kids. Preston who is known as P-Body has a love for water so it was no surprise he was the first to get wet and watching from a safe distance he loved nothing more than having the cold water between his little toe’s and sliding down the slide…and was very quick to push his sister away. Scrumpy also known as a Scarlett put up with P-body taking control of the sprinkler decided she was going to use the water to build sand castles… We had a fantastic time…It was a fun afternoon for both kids I am very much looking forward playing again.
These Photo’s are not perfect in anyway..however they are perfect for me and my wife to enjoy..get a camera out and have fun with the kids.