Kerrie and Phil’s Wedding Teaser shots

Untitled-2 DS4_8739 1CH_8099DS4_9033 DS4_9065DS3_4936 DS3_5040 DS4_9077 DS4_9080 DS4_9093 DS4_9126 DS4_9127 DS4_9141 DS4_9211Untitled-4Untitled-3DS4_9276 DS4_9280 DS4_9341 DS4_9349 DS4_9387 DS4_9399 DS4_9443 DS4_9506 DS4_9573 DS4_9589

This is a beautiful special family…I hope you enjoy the teaser shots πŸ™‚ thanks to my team of Alex and Christiana for shooting this for me.